William McAuliffe, PhD
Harvard Medical School
William E. McAuliffe is Associate Professor of Medical Sociology in the Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School at Cambridge Health Alliance and the North Charles Foundation. He has been a professor at Harvard University since receiving his doctorate in social relations from the Johns Hopkins University. One of his studies of heroin addiction was awarded the Socio-Psychological Prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. For 25 years, he taught Harvard graduate courses on substance abuse, research methods, health services research, and statistics. His research interests have focused on drug abuse, social research methodology and statistics, measuring the quality of medical care, health services planning, and drug abuse treatment and prevention. He has published well over 100 articles in scholarly journals, reviews, books, and book chapters. His early research concerned the role of positive and negative reinforcement in development of medical and non-medical opioid addiction. That work led to a series of studies of drug abuse by heroin addicts, medical patients, and health professionals. Also based on his theory of addiction, he developed a relapse prevention program for heroin and cocaine addiction, one of only two relapse prevention programs currently listed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. He also developed an outpatient detoxification program for cocaine addicts, and adapted the Clean Start program for use in conjunction with Vivitrol in the treatment of opioid addiction. His recent research and publications have focused on survey and indicator measures of the unmet need for substance abuse treatment services and on prescription drug addiction. Professor McAuliffe developed an algorithm for measuring the prevalence of substance use disorders from mortality and hospital discharge data. Dr. McAuliffe is also a frequent contributor to the open-source research library ResearchGate.